Discover what Cindy has done for the community

Bills Introduced by Cindy Evans

From December 2022 to June 2024, Cindy Evans has led legislative efforts focused on driving community progress through impactful bills that foster collaboration and effective governance.

  • Bill 22—PASSED: establishes an independent agency to provide for the care and maintenance of impounded animals and to fulfill the functions and requirement of Hawai'i Revised Statutes relating to the protection of animals.

  • Bill 59—PASSED: increases amount of home exemption for individuals 80+.

  • Bill 49—PASSED: initiates charter amendment to address vacancy in Council seat.

  • Bill 125—PASSED: establishes framework for registering Commercial Bicycle Tours and process for restricting specific sections of roads from commercial bicycle tours.

  • Bill 165—PENDING: evaluates removal of parking meters at HIlo Civic Center and current use and management of parking lots at County-owned facilities.

  • Bill 173—PENDING: changes cap on raising assessment on real property taxes by lowering from 3% to 2.5%.

  • Bill 138—PENDING: requires planning director to report for each six-month period certain administrative approvals.

    Bill 134—PENDING: requires report of entitlements not yet built on adjacent properties within a certain radius.

  • Bill 145—FAILED: initiates charter amendment to identify qualifications for three members of the seven members serving on the Leeward Planning Commission and Windward Planning Commission.

  • Bill 168—PASSED: initiates charter amendment to change term of office for Cost of Government Commission.

  • BILL—TABLED: freezes real property taxes at age 85.

  • PASSED: Amended CIP Budget Bill to appropriate funds to plan, design and build.

  • PASSED: Amended Budget Bill to appropriate funds to Department of PUBLIC WORKS to conduct study.

  • PASSED: Secured funding in budget bill to initiate plans for a Waimea Mass Transit Hub.

  • PENDING: Amends Code to provide standards and application requirements for the installation of telecommunication antennas and towers.

Resolutions by Cindy Evans

As councilwoman, Cindy introduced resolutions to address community issues and enhance local governance, focusing on transparency, sustainable development, and improved public services.

  • PASSED: 32 Resolutions to fund non-profit organizations in District 9, more specifically, 11 programs in Waimea, 11 programs in North Kohala, 8 programs district-wide, and 2 programs Waikoloa.

  • PENDING: Acquisition with Public Access, Open Space, and Natural Resources Protection Commission (PONC) funding.

  • PASSED: Authority to purchase Property known as ‘Anaeho’omalu Kapaloa, situated in the Ahupuaa of Pu’uanahulu.

  • PASSED: Urging County to accept title of road from US Department of the Interior.

  • PENDING: Acquisition of easements for trail from Waimea to Kohala Coast with with PONC funding.

  • PASSED: Approving acceptance of donation to County of $750,000 to design community center (hurricane proof) at Waimea District Park.

  • PASSED: Authorizing agreement with Hawai’i State Emergency Management Agency to install warning siren within Kamakoa Nui Park. 

Initiatives by Cindy Evans

Cindy Evans is committed to community collaboration, transparent governance, environmental sustainability, safety, and infrastructure development. Her dedication ensures a high quality of life for residents while promoting a resilient local environment.

  • Ongoing advocacy and support for getting resources to Waikoloa to address emergency readiness and emergency response including.

    1. The second emergency access road at north end of Waikoloa

    2. Buffer zone around Waikoloa Village

    3. Installation of sirens

    4. Home evaluations to prevent fires

    5. Equipment and training for Fire Department

    6. Civil Defense alerts

  • Ongoing discussions with Mayor and residents of Puako to address cesspool conversion.

  • Ongoing engagement with Mayor and State to acquire abandoned National Guard Armory at Kamehameha Park.

  • Worked with School Administration and Public Works on County Road Safety Improvements at Kohala HIgh School, Kohala Middle School, and Kohala Elementary School.

  • Ongoing support to pave the roadways within Waikoloa, pave Waikoloa road, install traffic safety improvements at intersections.

  • Secured funds for park improvements at King Kamehameha Park, Puu Nui Park, Kamakoa Nui Park, Waimea Elderly Activities Complex, Mahukona, Waimea Community Center, and Waimea District Park.

  • Ongoing engagement with administration to improve bus schedule to and from Waimea, install bus stops, and return of Shuttle within Waikoloa.

  • Organized Senior Digital Literacy Classes in Waimea and Kapa’au.

  • Served on Committee to update of the WaiWai Grant process and decision matrix.

  • Ongoing discussion with North Kohala residents on the renaming of this County Recreation Facility.



Moved District office (staffed) from Waimea to Kapa’au. Established office hours in Waimea Thursdays (except third Thursday) in Waimea at County Parks facility. Established office hours in Waikoloa monthly third Thursday.


I initiated bi-monthly Zoom town hall meetings to enhance communication and engagement. These meetings provide leadership updates, foster community, include Q&A sessions, and recognize achievements, keeping everyone informed and connected.


To date, I have attended 49 community meetings in Waimea, gaining insights into local issues, building relationships, contributing to discussions, staying informed on developments, and demonstrating my commitment to the community.


I attend monthly meetings on the North Kohala Community Development Plan, engaging with stakeholders to discuss needs, review progress, and ensure sustainable growth.


I have worked on 2,000+ constituent cases, addressing a wide range of issues and concerns to provide effective support and advocacy for individuals within the community.


I write articles for Kohala Mountain News and Waikoloa Breeze, covering local events and community issues to keep residents informed.


I publish a monthly Council newsletter via Mailchimp and on the County website, updating constituents on Council activities, local news, and community events.


I organize quarterly County Administration meetings at Waikoloa Elementary and Middle School to foster trust and collaboration between residents and local government.


Cindy voted on confirmation of residents to following Boards and Commissions:

  • Liquor Control Adjudication Board

  • Police Commission Water Board

  • Kailua Village Design Commission

  • Banyan Drive Hawai’i Redevelopment Agency

  • Leeward Planning Commission

  • Kona Community Development Plan Action Committee

  • Hamakua Community Development Plan Action Committee

  • Puna Community Development Plan Action Committee

  • Tax Board of Review

  • Fire Board of Appeals

  • Pension Board

  • Transportation Commission

  • Ka’u community development plan

  • Game Management Advisory Commission

  • Fire Commission

  • Public Access

  • Open Space and Natural Resources Preservation Commission

  • Salary Commission

  • Cultural Resources Commission Board of Ethics

  • Veterans Advisory Committee

  • Board of Appeals

  • Windward Planning Commission

  • Liquor Commission

  • Merit Appeals Board

  • Board of Appeals

  • Environmental Management Commission